Thursday, October 07, 2004

One of those weeks...

I can't tell you what this week has been like, oh my. I am not looking for sympathy or anything. On Monday our new office desks arrived! During the process of moving out the old desks, I managed to get my entire big toe nail lifted (The joys of being in an office which allows sandals). Three days later I am in excruciating pain. Too afraid to go to the doctor, I decide to take surgery into my own hands and attempt removing the nail myself, I figured it would be better for the overall healing process. Between, the Father, Son, The Holy Spirit and little me we managed to get the thing off. I am now hardly able to walk.

Nothing spiritual? But wait! My big toe is relying on my foot to give it the resource required for healing. Without my foot and without my leg and the rest of my body for that matter, resource/nourishment and healing will not come. The Body of Christ needs to be working together for the Life of Christ to flow. I am reminded of the Scripture from Ephesians 4:16
"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."
We would be making a mistake to think that the Body of Christ is made up entirely of the local communities that we may be a part of? We really do have to think bigger than this and start connecting with others from other flows, "emerging" or not and enjoy the resource that is given and received as a result of this.

Have an awesome weekend!